Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Jesus cares about Kids, and so do we!
Our Children’s Ministries exist to partner with you as parents in your important role of bringing up godly children.
We do this by providing a safe environment for spiritual community, biblical teaching, & peer connections,
all of which are designed to point kids toward a life of enjoying their lasting hope in Jesus!
We are committed to caring for your children well.
To that end, we train each of our children’s ministry workers
and utilize a “child-safe” policy (which includes background checks).
Our Children’s Ministries exist to partner with you as parents in your important role of bringing up godly children.
We do this by providing a safe environment for spiritual community, biblical teaching, & peer connections,
all of which are designed to point kids toward a life of enjoying their lasting hope in Jesus!
We are committed to caring for your children well.
To that end, we train each of our children’s ministry workers
and utilize a “child-safe” policy (which includes background checks).

Sunday Mornings
Nursery (10:00 am)
Newborn - 3 years old
Kid's Worship (10:00 am)
We think that it's important for the children to know that they are a valuable part of our church.
So we encourage families to sign in their children before the service, and then join the 1st part of the Worship Service together.
We release the kids (4 yrs. old - 5th Grade) from the worship service to have their own time to grow in
The G o s p e l , Authentic R e l a t i o n s h i p s ,
Biblical T r u t h , and G r a c e .
So we encourage families to sign in their children before the service, and then join the 1st part of the Worship Service together.
We release the kids (4 yrs. old - 5th Grade) from the worship service to have their own time to grow in
The G o s p e l , Authentic R e l a t i o n s h i p s ,
Biblical T r u t h , and G r a c e .