"a loving community who welcomes others
to know God & follow Jesus together"

T H E  V a l u e s  
T H A T  S H A P E  U S :

T H E  G O S P E L  M A T T E R S
We live to celebrate the good news that God sent His Son Jesus to willingly bear the penalty of our sin against God on the cross. When a person trusts in Jesus as their Savior, they are eternally reconciled to their Creator, God.

B I B L I C A L  T R U T H  M A T T E R S
We believe that God's Word (The Bible) is true
and we want to be people who are guided by
that truth in all that we do.

R E L A T I O N S H I P  M A T T E R S
We prioritize a right relationship with God that overflows into genuine relationships with one another
and with people who do not yet know Jesus.

G R A C E  M A T T E R S
We are saved by, and live by, God's grace.
We show this grace to others, trusting Jesus to lead us
as we navigate our new life in Christ together.

T H E  G E N E R O S I T Y  M A T T E R S
We seek to be generous with the gifts that God has
given us (time, talent, & treasure) to bring the
most glory to Jesus and to benefit others.

T H E  P U R S U I T  
T H A T  U N I T E S  U S:

We exist to be a loving, biblical community that welcomes
others to know God & follow Jesus together.

1. Get together regularly in small relational settings to share meals, share our lives, and encourage one another as we figure out what it means to know God & follow Jesus.
2. Gather together each Sunday to celebrate the hope that we have found in Jesus.
3. Intentionally welcome others to know God & follow Jesus together with us.


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